News & Advice

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Alabama Rot

Alabama rot, also known as CRGV (cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy) is a very rare, potentially life-threatening disease in dogs, causing damage to the blood vessels in the skin and sometimes the kidney. Tiny blood clots form in the blood vessels which blocks them, and in the skin it causes ulceration, but in the kidney, it can lead to severe organ dysfunction (kidney failure).

Some dogs develop skin sores only, whilst others develop skin sores and kidney failure. Recovery is expected in the former group; however, sadly many dogs that develop kidney failure do not survive because of this disease.

It is not yet known what causes the disease or why some dogs suffer more than others so diagnosing and treating it can be very difficult. There is active research ongoing to try and understand more. We do know that the disease is more common in the winter and spring and in dogs who walk in muddy, woodland areas.

CRGV can affect any dog, whatever age or breed. The breeds most affected have been Labradors, spaniels and Hungarian vizslas.

Important note: Although CRGV can be very serious, the number of dogs affected with skin lesions and kidney failure is relatively low when we compare it to other diseases that we see in dogs.  The UK has seen 318 confirmed cases in total, with 10 cases so far in 2024 (correct as at Feb 2024).

We share information provided by Anderson Moores Veterinary Specialists who lead in being the UK wide experts on this disease. There is also a live map of all confirmed cases within their information pages


Important – New Prescription Rules from the RCVS

From 1st September the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS, the regulatory body for the veterinary profession in the UK) is introducing new guidance on prescribing prescription only medicines following legal changes as detailed by the VMR (Veterinary Medicines Regulations).
The new guidance requires that a physical examination of the pet has to be performed every time any antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals and anti-parasiticides are prescribed.
The guidance is an important step towards ensuring responsible use and reducing the veterinary impact on the wider issues of global antibiotic resistance and decline of insect populations.
What this means in practice is that your pet may need to come in for an in-person consultation.
We would ask our clients to email the practice ( or use the link via our website when requesting flea and worm products, rather than to turn up in person. This allows our vets, together with our client care team to manage your requirements correctly.
We would ask or your patience and understanding as we implement these changes. Thank you.
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